Our Discipleship Pathway

Encounter God
Our worship services are designed to help us encounter God together and discover the full life that Jesus came to offer (John 10:10).
If you’re not currently in the habit of participating in worship services, your next step might be to make worshiping together on Sundays a priority.
If you’ve already taken this step, then a great next step would be to invite someone to join you on Sundays. Or, you might want to check out our next membership class or look into getting baptized. Contact us for more information.
Spiritual disciplines are practices that help you connect with God. Some examples of spiritual disciplines are solitude, silence, prayer, study, worship, celebration, service, confession, journaling, sabbath, scripture memory, and fasting.
Grow in a Group
Groups create an environment to build transformational relationships that help you grow in your life with Jesus and develop your spiritual gifts and abilities We have 3 types of groups:
D3 GROUPS are for both men and women and patterned after Acts 2:42. D3 Groups apply Sunday’s sermon together, help you discover and use your God-given gifts, eat together, pray together, and hopefully make great friendships.
DISCIPLESHIP TRIADS are groups of 3-4 men or 3-4 women who go on a discipleship journey together for 6-12 months. Using the book Discipleship Essentials as a guide, they meet weekly to work on how to be and make disciples who are growing in Christ. While the book provides a structure, relationships and the Holy Spirit’s leading are always primary.
MEN’S & WOMEN’S GROUPS are gender specific groups for men and women to build transformational relationships with each other. These groups may focus on celebrating God’s activity, prayer, books of the Bible, topical studies, etc.
Serve on a Team
Your next step might be to start using your God-given gifts to serve on a team here at LVC or by serving in your local community. Several of our teams serve during our Weekend Services so you can attend one service and serve at another. We have the following 6 Teams at Locust Valley Chapel:
- D3 Kids Team
- D3 Students Team
- Connection Team
- Facilities Team
- Mission Team
- Worship Team